Deleted junk generated by NextCloud
@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
# border, spawny pro 3 různé lokace map, inventář
# neomezené blocky
# skybattle::gaming_players::* - players in IDList1-10 [list of all players]
# skybattle::game_status - identifies game status [init, next, playing, end]
# skybattle::game_on - identifies if the game is playing [True, False]
# skybattle::intro - identifies if intro is playing rn [True, False]
# skybattle::stop_players - triggers a function that stops players from moving [True, False]
# skybattle::deadplayers::* - stores all dead players in current round [list of players]
# skybattle::introlocation - stores intro location [coords] ! must have barrier to stand on !
# skybattle::lobbylocation - stores location of lobby [coords]
# skybattle::timer - stores timer [int]
# skybattle::teams_alive::* - stores list of teams that are alive
# skybattle::teams_alive_num - stores number of teams that are alive
# skybattle::current_arena - stores current round/arena [1-3]
# ---------------- Variables specific for each arena ----------------
# skybattle::arena:: - folder for all variables specific to each arena (border center, etc...)
# skybattle::arena[1-3]::spectatorlocation - stores location of spectator spawn [coords]
# skybattle::arena[1-3]::border - stores center location of border [coords]
# skybattle::arena[1-3]::spawn_location::* [1-10] - stores spawner locations [coords]
# ---------------- Variables specific for each team ----------------
# skybattle::team[1-10]:: - folders for all variables specific to each team (list of players, etc.)
# skybattle::team[1-10]::players - stores every player from team [list of players] - probably implemented on minigame startup
# skybattle::team[1-10]::name - stores name of the team
#! skybattle::team[1-10]::alive_players - list of players alive
#! skybattle::team[1-10]::alive_number - number of players alive in team [int]
#! skybattle::team[1-10]::kills - number of kills of the whole team [int]
# ---------------- Variables specific for each player ----------------
# skybattle::players::[player_uuid]:: - folder for all variables specific to players (kills, deaths, etc.)
#! skybattle::players::[player_uuid]::kills_number - number of kills of a player [int]
#! skybattle::players::[player_uuid]::deaths - number of deaths of a player
#! skybattle::players::[player_uuid]::kills_names - names of players killed
#! skybattle::players::[player_uuid]::survived_count - place at which you survived
#! skybattle::players::[player_uuid]::survived_multiplier - inverted count = 40th place -> multiplier 1x
# 40 za kill
# 10 za přežití
command /minigame_skybattle_start:
description: Zapni celou minihru skybattle
usage: /minigame_skybattle_start
executable by: the console and players
permission: skript.op
#execute console command "/gamerule doImmediateRespawn true"
clear {skybattle::gaming_players::*}
loop 10 times:
loop entries of team "IDList%loop-number%":
add loop-value2 to {skybattle::gaming_players::*}
add loop-value2 to {skybattle::team%%loop-number::players::*}
broadcast "Načítám minihru Oblačný Souboj"
send title "§2Oblačný Souboj" to all players
set {skybattle::game_status} to "init"
set {skybattle::game_on} to "True"
wait 2 seconds
send subtitle "Teleportuji" to all players
wait 1 second
set {skybattle::intro} to "True"
set gamemode of {skybattle::gaming_players::*} to survival
teleport {skybattle::gaming_players::*} to {skybattle::introlocation}
set {skybattle::stop_players} to "True"
hide {skybattle::gaming_players::*}
wait 1 second
send "§e----------- Oblačný Souboj -----------" to {gaming_players::*}
send "V této minihře máte za úkol §cpřežít§r a zabít co nejvíce svých §cprotivníků. Můžete zničit a využít celý svět:D Třeba §7Iron Blocky §rjsou docela užitečné." to {gaming_players::*}
wait 10 seconds
reveal {skybattle::gaming_players::*}
set {skybattle::stop_players} to "False"
while {skybattle::game_on} is "True":
if {skybattle::game_status} is "init":
execute console command "/scoreboard players set MaxKolo XD 3"
set {skybattle::current_arena} to 1
clear inventory of {skybattle::gaming_players::*}
if {skybattle::game_status} is "next":
set {skybattle::teams_alive_num} to 10
if {skybattle::game_status} is "playing":
send action bar "§4§lČas: §7%{skybattle::timer}%" to all players
set {skybattle::timer} to {skybattle::timer} -1
wait 1 second
if {skybattle::timer} is 0:
send title "§c§lDošel čas!" to all players
set {skybattle::gaming_players::*}'s gamemode to spectator
set {skybattle::game_status} to "next"
wait 5 seconds
if {skybattle::teams_alive_num} is 1:
send title "Vyhrál team %{skybattle::teams_alive::*}%" to all players
if {skybattle::game_status} is "end":
make console execute command "/function sky:battle"
command /skybattle_setborder <number>:
description: Set center of border for map x
usage: /skybattle_setborder <id of border/arena>
permission: skript.op
if arg-1 is 1:
set {skybattle::arena1::border} to player's location
send "Border 1 set to your location" to player
else if arg-1 is 2:
set {skybattle::arena2::border} to player's location
send "Border 2 set to your location" to player
else if arg-1 is 3:
set {skybattle::arena3::border} to player's location
send "Border 3 set to your location" to player
send "The only valid options for id of border are 1, 2, 3" to player
command /skybattle_setintroloc:
description: Set Intro location
permission: skript.op
set {skybattle::introlocation} to player's location
send "Lokace Intra pro Sky Battle nastavena"
command /skybattle_setlobbyloc:
description: Set Lobby location
permission: skript.op
set {skybattle::lobbylocation} to player's location
send "Lokace Lobby pro Sky Battle nastavena"
command /skybattle_setspectatorspawn <number>:
permission: skript.op
if arg-1 is 1:
set {skybattle::arena1::spectatorlocation} to player's location
send "Spectator pro arenu 1 nastaven"
if arg-1 is 2:
set {skybattle::arena2::spectatorlocation} to player's location
send "Spectator pro arenu 2 nastaven"
if arg-1 is 3:
set {skybattle::arena3::spectatorlocation} to player's location
send "Spectator pro arenu 3 nastaven"
if arg-1 is not 1 or arg-1 is not 2 or arg-1 is not 3:
send "You need to specify arena 1-3"
command /skybattle_setspawner <number> <number>:
description: Set one of the spawn positions
usage: /skybattle_setspawner <arena id 1-3> <spawner id 1-10>
permission: skript.op
if arg-2 < 11:
if arg-1 is 1:
set {skybattle::arena1::spawn_location::%arg-2%} to player's location
send "Set spawn location %arg-1%" to player
if arg-1 is 2:
set {skybattle::arena2::spawn_location::%arg-2%} to player's location
send "Set spawn location %arg-1%" to player
if arg-1 is 3:
set {skybattle::arena3::spawn_location::%arg-2%} to player's location
send "Set spawn location %arg-2% for Sky Battle" to player
if arg-1 is not 1 or arg-1 is not 2 or arg-1 is not 3:
send "You must specify arena 1-3"
if arg-2 < 0:
send "You must specify a number from 1-10"
if arg-2 > 10:
send "You can only set 10 spawn positions"
command /skybattle_listspawners <number>:
description: List all spawn positions for arena
permission: skript.op
loop 10 times:
send "Spawn points for arena %arg-1%"
send "Spawn point %loop-number%:" to player
send {skybattle::arena%arg-1%::spawn_location::%loop-number%} to player
function spawnteam(team: integer, spawner: integer):
loop entries of team "IDList%{_team}%":
teleport loop-value to location at {skybattle::arena%{skybattle::current_arena}%::spawn_location::%{_spawner}%}
set loop-value's gamemode to survival
function resetteams():
loop 10 times:
clear {skybattle::team%loop-value%::*}
function resetplayers():
clear {skybattle::players::*}
function reset_teams_alive():
clear {skybattle::teams_alive::*}
set {_team1} to "Karmínová"
set {_team2} to "Jantarová"
set {_team3} to "Krémová"
set {_team4} to "Limetková"
set {_team5} to "Smaragdová"
set {_team6} to "Azurová"
set {_team7} to "Blankytná"
set {_team8} to "Nebeská"
set {_team9} to "Nachová"
set {_team10} to "Švestková"
loop 10 times:
add {_team%loop-number%} to {skybattle::teams_alive::*}
function init_team_names():
set {_team1} to "Karmínová"
set {_team2} to "Jantarová"
set {_team3} to "Krémová"
set {_team4} to "Limetková"
set {_team5} to "Smaragdová"
set {_team6} to "Azurová"
set {_team7} to "Blankytná"
set {_team8} to "Nebeská"
set {_team9} to "Nachová"
set {_team10} to "Švestková"
loop 10 times:
set {skybattle::team%loop-number%::name} to {_team%loop-number%}
on death of player: # victim, attacker
add victim's uuid to {skybattle::deadplayers::*}
launch ball large coloured yellow fading to light green and black at victim's location with duration 0
on respawn:
if {skybattle::deadplayers::*} contains player's uuid:
clear player's inventory
set player's gamemode to spectator
teleport player to {skybattle::arena%{skybattle::current_arena}%::spectatorlocation}
wait 20 ticks
set player's gamemode to adventure
set player's gamemode to spectator
execute console command "/scoreboard players add @a[gamemode=survival] Survivalgames 1"
on player move:
if {skybattle::stop_players} is "True":
if {skybattle::gaming_players::*} contains player:
cancel event
on food bar change:
cancel event
@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
# border, spawny pro 3 různé lokace map, inventář
# neomezené blocky
# skybattle::gaming_players::* - players in IDList1-10 [list of all players]
# skybattle::game_status - identifies game status [init, next, playing, end]
# skybattle::game_on - identifies if the game is playing [True, False]
# skybattle::intro - identifies if intro is playing rn [True, False]
# skybattle::stop_players - triggers a function that stops players from moving [True, False]
# skybattle::deadplayers::* - stores all dead players in current round [list of players]
# skybattle::introlocation - stores intro location [coords] ! must have barrier to stand on !
# skybattle::lobbylocation - stores location of lobby [coords]
# skybattle::timer - stores timer [int]
# skybattle::teams_alive::* - stores list of teams that are alive
# skybattle::teams_alive_num - stores number of teams that are alive
# skybattle::current_arena - stores current round/arena [1-3]
# ---------------- Variables specific for each arena ----------------
# skybattle::arena:: - folder for all variables specific to each arena (border center, etc...)
# skybattle::arena[1-3]::spectatorlocation - stores location of spectator spawn [coords]
# skybattle::arena[1-3]::border - stores center location of border [coords]
# skybattle::arena[1-3]::spawn_location::* [1-10] - stores spawner locations [coords]
# ---------------- Variables specific for each team ----------------
# skybattle::IDList[1-10]:: - folders for all variables specific to each team (list of players, etc.)
# skybattle::IDList[1-10]::players - stores every player from team [list of players] - probably implemented on minigame startup
#! skybattle::IDList[1-10]::alive_players - list of players alive
#! skybattle::IDList[1-10]::alive_number - number of players alive in team [int]
#! skybattle::IDList[1-10]::kills - number of kills of the whole team [int]
# ---------------- Variables specific for each player ----------------
# skybattle::players::[player_uuid]:: - folder for all variables specific to players (kills, deaths, etc.)
# skybattle::players::[player_uuid]::team - team that the player belongs to
# skybattle::players::[player_uuid]::kills_number - number of kills of a player [int]
# skybattle::players::[player_uuid]::deaths - number of deaths of a player
# skybattle::players::[player_uuid]::kills_names - names of players killed
#! skybattle::players::[player_uuid]::survived_count - place at which you survived
#! skybattle::players::[player_uuid]::survived_multiplier - inverted count = 40th place -> multiplier 1x
# 40 za kill
# 10 za přežití
command /minigame_skybattle_start:
description: Zapni celou minihru skybattle
usage: /minigame_skybattle_start
executable by: the console and players
permission: skript.op
#execute console command "/gamerule doImmediateRespawn true"
clear {skybattle::gaming_players::*}
loop 10 times:
loop entries of team "IDList%loop-number%":
add loop-value2 to {skybattle::gaming_players::*}
add loop-value2 to {skybattle::IDList%%loop-number::players::*}
set {skybattle::players::%loop-value2's uuid%::team} to "IDList%loop-number2%"
broadcast "Načítám minihru Oblačný Souboj"
send title "§2Oblačný Souboj" to all players
set {skybattle::game_status} to "init"
set {skybattle::game_on} to "True"
wait 2 seconds
send subtitle "Teleportuji" to all players
wait 1 second
set {skybattle::intro} to "True"
set gamemode of {skybattle::gaming_players::*} to survival
teleport {skybattle::gaming_players::*} to {skybattle::introlocation}
set {skybattle::stop_players} to "True"
hide {skybattle::gaming_players::*}
wait 1 second
send "§e----------- Oblačný Souboj -----------" to {gaming_players::*}
send "V této minihře máte za úkol §cpřežít§r a zabít co nejvíce svých §cprotivníků. Můžete zničit a využít celý svět:D Třeba §7Iron Blocky §rjsou docela užitečné." to {gaming_players::*}
wait 10 seconds
reveal {skybattle::gaming_players::*}
set {skybattle::stop_players} to "False"
while {skybattle::game_on} is "True":
if {skybattle::game_status} is "init":
execute console command "/scoreboard players set MaxKolo XD 3"
set {skybattle::current_arena} to 1
clear inventory of {skybattle::gaming_players::*}
if {skybattle::game_status} is "next":
set {skybattle::current_arena} to {skybattle::current_arena} + 1
set {skybattle::teams_alive_num} to 10
if {skybattle::current_arena} is 1:
set {skybattle::stop_players} to "True"
if {skybattle::current_arena} is 2:
set {skybattle::stop_players} to "True"
if {skybattle::current_arena} is 3:
set {skybattle::stop_players} to "True"
if {skybattle::current_arena} is 4:
else: # starting loop - stuff like countdowns etc...
send title "§c§l%{skybattle::current_arena}%. KOLO" to all players
wait 5 seconds
send title "§c§l%{skybattle::current_arena}%. KOLO" with subtitle "3" to all players
play sound "custom.cas" at volume 50 to all players
wait 1 second
send title "§c§l%{skybattle::current_arena}%. KOLO" with subtitle "2" to all players
play sound "custom.cas" at volume 50 to all players
wait 1 second
send title "§c§l%{skybattle::current_arena}%. KOLO" with subtitle "1" to all players
play sound "custom.cas" at volume 50 to all players
wait 1 second
send title "GO" with subtitle "" to all players
play sound "custom.cas2" at volume 50 to all players
if {skybattle::game_status} is "playing":
send action bar "§4§lČas: §7%{skybattle::timer}%" to all players
set {skybattle::timer} to {skybattle::timer} -1
wait 1 second
if {skybattle::timer} is 0:
send title "§c§lDošel čas!" to all players
set {skybattle::gaming_players::*}'s gamemode to spectator
set {skybattle::game_status} to "next"
wait 5 seconds
if {skybattle::teams_alive_num} is 1:
send title "Vyhrál team %{skybattle::teams_alive::*}%" to all players
if {skybattle::teams_alive_num} is 0:
send title "Tak prej nevyhrál nikdo lul :D" to all players
if {skybattle::game_status} is "end":
make console execute command "/function sky:battle"
command /skybattle_setborder <number>:
description: Set center of border for map x
usage: /skybattle_setborder <id of border/arena>
permission: skript.op
if arg-1 is 1:
set {skybattle::arena1::border} to player's location
send "Border 1 set to your location" to player
else if arg-1 is 2:
set {skybattle::arena2::border} to player's location
send "Border 2 set to your location" to player
else if arg-1 is 3:
set {skybattle::arena3::border} to player's location
send "Border 3 set to your location" to player
send "The only valid options for id of border are 1, 2, 3" to player
command /skybattle_setintroloc:
description: Set Intro location
permission: skript.op
set {skybattle::introlocation} to player's location
send "Lokace Intra pro Sky Battle nastavena"
command /skybattle_setlobbyloc:
description: Set Lobby location
permission: skript.op
set {skybattle::lobbylocation} to player's location
send "Lokace Lobby pro Sky Battle nastavena"
command /skybattle_setspectatorspawn <number>:
permission: skript.op
if arg-1 is 1:
set {skybattle::arena1::spectatorlocation} to player's location
send "Spectator pro arenu 1 nastaven"
if arg-1 is 2:
set {skybattle::arena2::spectatorlocation} to player's location
send "Spectator pro arenu 2 nastaven"
if arg-1 is 3:
set {skybattle::arena3::spectatorlocation} to player's location
send "Spectator pro arenu 3 nastaven"
if arg-1 is not 1 or arg-1 is not 2 or arg-1 is not 3:
send "You need to specify arena 1-3"
command /skybattle_setspawner <number> <number>:
description: Set one of the spawn positions
usage: /skybattle_setspawner <arena id 1-3> <spawner id 1-10>
permission: skript.op
if arg-2 < 11:
if arg-1 is 1:
set {skybattle::arena1::spawn_location::%arg-2%} to player's location
send "Set spawn location %arg-1%" to player
if arg-1 is 2:
set {skybattle::arena2::spawn_location::%arg-2%} to player's location
send "Set spawn location %arg-1%" to player
if arg-1 is 3:
set {skybattle::arena3::spawn_location::%arg-2%} to player's location
send "Set spawn location %arg-2% for Sky Battle" to player
if arg-1 is not 1 or arg-1 is not 2 or arg-1 is not 3:
send "You must specify arena 1-3"
if arg-2 < 0:
send "You must specify a number from 1-10"
if arg-2 > 10:
send "You can only set 10 spawn positions"
command /skybattle_listspawners <number>:
description: List all spawn positions for arena
permission: skript.op
loop 10 times:
send "Spawn points for arena %arg-1%"
send "Spawn point %loop-number%:" to player
send {skybattle::arena%arg-1%::spawn_location::%loop-number%} to player
function spawnteam(team: integer, spawner: integer):
loop entries of team "IDList%{_team}%":
teleport loop-value to location at {skybattle::arena%{skybattle::current_arena}%::spawn_location::%{_spawner}%}
set loop-value's gamemode to survival
function resetteams():
loop 10 times:
clear {skybattle::team%loop-value%::*}
function resetplayers():
clear {skybattle::players::*}
function reset_teams_alive():
clear {skybattle::teams_alive::*}
set {_team1} to "Karmínová"
set {_team2} to "Jantarová"
set {_team3} to "Krémová"
set {_team4} to "Limetková"
set {_team5} to "Smaragdová"
set {_team6} to "Azurová"
set {_team7} to "Blankytná"
set {_team8} to "Nebeská"
set {_team9} to "Nachová"
set {_team10} to "Švestková"
loop 10 times:
add {_team%loop-number%} to {skybattle::teams_alive::*}
function init_team_names():
set {_team1} to "Karmínová"
set {_team2} to "Jantarová"
set {_team3} to "Krémová"
set {_team4} to "Limetková"
set {_team5} to "Smaragdová"
set {_team6} to "Azurová"
set {_team7} to "Blankytná"
set {_team8} to "Nebeská"
set {_team9} to "Nachová"
set {_team10} to "Švestková"
loop 10 times:
set {skybattle::team%loop-number%::name} to {_team%loop-number%}
on death of player: # victim, attacker
add victim's uuid to {skybattle::deadplayers::*}
launch ball large coloured yellow fading to light green and black at victim's location with duration 0
remove victim from {skybattle::%team of victim%::alive_players}
set {skybattle::%team of victim%::alive_players_num} to {skybattle::%team of victim%::alive_number} - 1
set {skybattle::%team of attacker%::kills} to {skybattle::%team of attacker%::kills} + 1
set {skybattle::%attacker's uuid%::kills} to {skybattle::%attacker's uuid%::kills} + 1
add victim to {skybattle::%attacker's uuid%::kills_names}
set {skybattle::%victim's uuid%::deaths'} to {skybattle::%victim's uuid%::deaths'} + 1
if {skybattle::%team of victim%::alive_players_num} is 0:
set {skybattle::teams_alive_num} to {skybattle::teams_alive_num} - 1
remove team of victim from {skybattle::teams_alive::*}
on respawn:
if {skybattle::deadplayers::*} contains player's uuid:
clear player's inventory
set player's gamemode to spectator
teleport player to {skybattle::arena%{skybattle::current_arena}%::spectatorlocation}
wait 20 ticks
set player's gamemode to adventure
set player's gamemode to spectator
execute console command "/scoreboard players add @a[gamemode=survival] Survivalgames 1"
on player move:
if {skybattle::stop_players} is "True":
if {skybattle::gaming_players::*} contains player:
cancel event
on food bar change:
cancel event
Reference in New Issue