21 lines
1000 B
21 lines
1000 B
command /send_console:
#send content of file path "logs/latest.log" to player
#send a "post" request to "https://paste.anorak01.top/documents" with the body content of file path "logs/latest.log"
wait 2 seconds
send "<url:https://paste.anorak01.top>Console Link" to player
set {_resp} to the body of last response
set {_sections::*} to {_resp} split at ":"
set {_sections::2} to subtext of {_sections::2} from characters {1} to (length of {_sections::2})
set {_this::*} to {_sections::2} split at ""
send {_this::*} to player
set {key} to ""
loop {_this::*}:
send loop-value to player
if loop-value isn't "}":
#replace loop-value with "" in {_sections::2}
set {key} to "%{key}%loop-value"
#add loop-value to {_key}
send {key} to player
send {_sections::2} to player
#send the body of last response to player |