command /minigame_flags_start: description: Zapni celou minihru flags usage: /minigame_flags_start executable by: the console and players permission: skript.op trigger: execute console command "/gamerule keepInventory true" clear {gaming_players::*} loop 10 times: loop entries of team "IDList%loop-number%": add loop-value-2 to {gaming_players::*} broadcast "Načítám minihru Vlajky" send title "§2Vlajky" to all players set {game_status} to "init" set {game_on} to "True" wait 2 seconds send subtitle "Teleportuji" to all players wait 1 second set {intro} to "True" set gamemode of {gaming_players::*} to adventure teleport {gaming_players::*} to {introlocation} set {stop_players} to "True" hide {gaming_players::*} wait 1 seconds send "§e----------- Vlajky -----------" to {gaming_players::*} send " V této minihře máte za úkol, jako první získat vlajku na středu, kterou vezmene pravím kliknutím a donést jí domů, ale pozor, protivník tě může dát na jednu rádu lukem, proto jsou po stranách instakill potiony, který můžeš použít jako obranu." to {gaming_players::*} wait 15 seconds set {stop_players} to "False" reveal {gaming_players::*} while {game_on} is "True": if {game_status} is "init": # kód před prvním startem # procesy před startem clear {flag_won::*} set {teamscore::1} to 0 set {teamscore::2} to 0 set {teamscore::3} to 0 set {teamscore::4} to 0 set {teamscore::5} to 0 set {teamscore::6} to 0 set {teamscore::7} to 0 set {teamscore::8} to 0 set {teamscore::9} to 0 set {teamscore::10} to 0 # //procesy před startem set {flags_kola} to 1 clear inventory of all players wait 20 ticks send title "§4§l1. KOLO" to all players if {flags_kola} is 1: spawngate(3) spawnteam(1,1) spawnteam(2,2) spawnteam(3,3) spawnteam(10,4) spawnteam(4,5) spawnteam(9,6) spawnteam(5,7) spawnteam(8,8) spawnteam(6,9) spawnteam(7,10) loop {flag_locations::*}: set block at loop-value to white banner loop {potion_locations::*}: drop {dmgpotion} named "§4Insta-kill potion" at loop-value set {game_status} to "playing" set {flags_timer} to {čas_kola} wait 5 seconds send title "§4§l%{flags_kola}%. KOLO" with subtitle "3" to all players play sound "block.note_block.bell" at volume 50 to all players wait 1 second send title "§4§l%{flags_kola}%. KOLO" with subtitle "2" to all players play sound "block.note_block.bell" at volume 50 to all players spawngate(2) wait 1 second send title "§4§l%{flags_kola}%. KOLO" with subtitle "1" to all players play sound "block.note_block.bell" at volume 50 to all players wait 1 second send title "GO" with subtitle "" to all players play sound "block.note_block.bell" at volume 50 with pitch 18 to all players spawngate(1) if {game_status} is "next": loop {flag_locations::*}: loop all blocks in radius 35 around loop-value-1: if loop-value-2 is banner: set block at loop-value-2 to air loop 10 times: loop entries of team "IDList%loop-number%": if {flag_won::*} contains loop-value-2: set {teamscore::%loop-number-1%} to {teamscore::%loop-number-1%} + 1 clear inventory of all players loop {potion_locations::*}: loop all entities in radius 4 around loop-value-1: kill loop-value-2 set {flags_kola} to {flags_kola} + 1 clear {flag_won::*} spawngate(3) if {flags_kola} is 2: spawnteam(2,1) spawnteam(3,2) spawnteam(1,3) spawnteam(7,4) spawnteam(8,5) spawnteam(6,6) spawnteam(9,7) spawnteam(5,8) spawnteam(4,9) spawnteam(10,10) loop {flag_locations::*}: set block at loop-value to white banner loop {potion_locations::*}: drop {dmgpotion} named "§4Insta-kill potion" at loop-value set {game_status} to "playing" if {flags_kola} is 3: spawnteam(6,1) spawnteam(9,2) spawnteam(8,3) spawnteam(7,4) spawnteam(3,5) spawnteam(1,6) spawnteam(4,7) spawnteam(2,8) spawnteam(5,9) spawnteam(10,10) loop {flag_locations::*}: set block at loop-value to white banner loop {potion_locations::*}: drop {dmgpotion} named "§4Insta-kill potion" at loop-value set {game_status} to "playing" if {flags_kola} is 4: spawnteam(10,1) spawnteam(6,2) spawnteam(2,3) spawnteam(5,4) spawnteam(3,5) spawnteam(4,6) spawnteam(1,7) spawnteam(8,8) spawnteam(7,9) spawnteam(9,10) loop {flag_locations::*}: set block at loop-value to white banner loop {potion_locations::*}: drop {dmgpotion} named "§4Insta-kill potion" at loop-value set {game_status} to "playing" if {flags_kola} is 5: spawnteam(5,1) spawnteam(3,2) spawnteam(6,3) spawnteam(2,4) spawnteam(7,5) spawnteam(10,6) spawnteam(8,7) spawnteam(9,8) spawnteam(4,9) spawnteam(1,10) loop {flag_locations::*}: set block at loop-value to white banner loop {potion_locations::*}: drop {dmgpotion} named "§4Insta-kill potion" at loop-value set {game_status} to "playing" if {flags_kola} is 6: spawnteam(1,1) spawnteam(9,2) spawnteam(10,3) spawnteam(8,4) spawnteam(2,5) spawnteam(7,6) spawnteam(3,7) spawnteam(6,8) spawnteam(4,9) spawnteam(5,10) loop {flag_locations::*}: set block at loop-value to white banner loop {potion_locations::*}: drop {dmgpotion} named "§4Insta-kill potion" at loop-value set {game_status} to "playing" if {flags_kola} is 7: spawnteam(5,1) spawnteam(1,2) spawnteam(6,3) spawnteam(4,4) spawnteam(7,5) spawnteam(3,6) spawnteam(8,7) spawnteam(2,8) spawnteam(9,9) spawnteam(10,10) loop {flag_locations::*}: set block at loop-value to white banner loop {potion_locations::*}: drop {dmgpotion} named "§4Insta-kill potion" at loop-value set {game_status} to "playing" if {flags_kola} is 8: spawnteam(5,1) spawnteam(6,2) spawnteam(1,3) spawnteam(10,4) spawnteam(2,5) spawnteam(9,6) spawnteam(3,7) spawnteam(8,8) spawnteam(4,9) spawnteam(7,10) loop {flag_locations::*}: set block at loop-value to white banner loop {potion_locations::*}: drop {dmgpotion} named "§4Insta-kill potion" at loop-value set {game_status} to "playing" if {flags_kola} is 9: spawnteam(9,1) spawnteam(3,2) spawnteam(10,3) spawnteam(2,4) spawnteam(6,5) spawnteam(1,6) spawnteam(7,7) spawnteam(5,8) spawnteam(8,9) spawnteam(4,10) loop {flag_locations::*}: set block at loop-value to white banner loop {potion_locations::*}: drop {dmgpotion} named "§4Insta-kill potion" at loop-value set {game_status} to "playing" if {flags_kola} is 10: set {game_status} to "end" else: send title "§4§l%{flags_kola}%. KOLO" to all players wait 5 second send title "§4§l%{flags_kola}%. KOLO" with subtitle "3" to all players play sound "block.note_block.bell" at volume 50 to all players wait 1 second send title "§4§l%{flags_kola}%. KOLO" with subtitle "2" to all players play sound "block.note_block.bell" at volume 50 to all players spawngate(2) wait 1 second send title "§4§l%{flags_kola}%. KOLO" with subtitle "1" to all players play sound "block.note_block.bell" at volume 50 to all players wait 1 second send title "GO" with subtitle "" to all players play sound "block.note_block.bell" at volume 50 with pitch 18 to all players spawngate(1) set {flags_timer} to {čas_kola} # NASTAVENÍ ČASU if {game_status} is "playing": # kód kontroly konce kola send action bar "§4§lČas: §7%{flags_timer}%" to all players set {flags_timer} to {flags_timer} - 1 wait 1 second if {flags_timer} is 0: send title "§4§lDošel čas!" to all players set {gaming_players::*}'s gamemode to spectator set {game_status} to "next" wait 5 seconds if size of {flag_won::*} is 5: set {game_status} to "next" set {gaming_players::*}'s gamemode to spectator wait 1 second send title "§a§lKonec kola!" to all players wait 5 seconds if {game_status} is "end": send "game end" send title "&4Konec hry" to all players # VYHODNOCENÍ BODŮ loop 10 times: execute console command "/scoreboard players add @a[scores={IDlist=%loop-number%}] Win %{teamscore::%loop-number%}%" if loop-number is 10: execute console command "/scoreboard players add @a[scores={IDlist=20}] Win %{teamscore::%loop-number%}%" else: execute console command "/scoreboard players add @a[scores={IDlist=1%loop-number%}] Win %{teamscore::%loop-number%}%" set {game_on} to "False" send "game stop" wait 5 seconds make console execute command "/function ctf:vlajky" wait 3 seconds teleport {gaming_players::*} to {lobbylocation} set {gaming_players::*}'s gamemode to adventure